Factory Cat's XR Rider Floor Scrubber-Dryers are tough, compact scrubbers that offer the great productivity of rider machines but with better maneuverability than walk behinds. The Factory Cat XR scrubber has a powerful drive motor that can climb steep ramps and comes standard with heavy duty tires. Features of the drive system include: automatic parking brake and reducing of transport speed while scrubbing or reversing to maintain life of the the squeegees. This machine carries 65 Gallons of solution and is ideal for a facility that needs to clean 23,000 - 49,500 Square Feet per hour.
Available Models:
370-34FD - 34" Disk
370-40FD - 40" Disk
370-45FD - 45" Disk
370-34FC - 34" Cylindrical
370-40FC - 40" Cylindrical
370-46FC - 46" Cylindrical